One of My Favorite Meals… this time of year! Transitioning into fall.

Sep 28, 2015

Fall Meal


An Ayurvedic delight, especially given the seasonal change unfolding into fall, a perfect time to take charge of nourishing our system. Healing, warming spices of ginger, and curries create a calming meal. This dish is easy on the digestion, loaded with protein and entirely vegetarian. And in no time, easy to prepare and made with some noted, on hand ingredients.


Your ingredients, soak in a bowl of water over night 1-2 cups mung beans then be as creative as you choose to be with your vegetables, mix & change up: 1 -2 cups chopped vegetables. For this preparation I used a 1 yam, 3 carrots, a bunch of kale, 1 zucchini, 8 spears of asparagus. (feel free to use peas/pea pods, swiss chard, spinach, or winter veggies if your prefer.)

6 cups water, or less depending upon how dense or soupy you like this to be. Season with sea salt.

I prefer to cook the basamati rice separately in a rice cooker for perfect doneness of rice. Then add to mixture after it is finished, incorporating rice in ladle by ladle until thickened to your choice.


Add to a skillet 2 tablespoons or more if needed, of organic coconut oil, and 1 inch diced fresh ginger, and 2 tablespoons (or more ) red curry. Let this slowly cook until ingredients blossom and expand for approximately 5 minutes. Your nose will smell the curried scent and sense the time. Remove from heat. And incorporate into the vegetable mixture, stirring well, which follows:

tender veggies

Cook the yam, and carrots first with the mung beans, simmer about 20-30 minutes until mung beans are tender. Then toss the kale, asparagus and diced zucchini into pot, which will take only about 8 minutes further to cook.


Mouth watering and simmering aromatic goodness filling the senses…

Fall Meal

And taaa daaa, your finished delight in a bowl… garnish with cilantro and a good squeeze of tantalizing fresh lime! Enjoy your balanced, calming, seasonal change of a meal and happy fall season! Here is to your peace of mind and well being.