Dazzling Genius Flows… the Miller White Fine Arts Gallery Opening Reception!

Jul 7, 2018


Artist Teresa Baksa was photographed with her stunning, vibrant earth angel.

With excited anticipation, I explored the many works of gifted artists at the Miller White Fine Arts Gallery’s opening reception last evening. A tour of open spaces emanating multi canvases which draw you in, to carefully observe and ponder. With turns to navigate round, the next pieces of artistic wonder wait to be viewed. And if you were lucky enough to meet the artist in person, then chances are you heard their inspirational story that synchronistically paved the way to that which you were viewing.

Thanks to artists Teresa Baksa, goldsmith Michael Baksa, Salvatore Del Deo, bronze sculptor Romolo Del Deo, John Ciro, James Wolf, Ulla Neigenfind, William Allen, Howard Barnes, Joseph Diggs, Jane Eccles, Laura Fantini, Deborah Forman, Raquel Fornasaro, Milisa Galazzi, Anne Garton, Jon Goldman, Jill Hedrick, Grace Hopkins, Sarah Lutz, Joanne Mattera, Wayne Miller, Richard Neal, Cecilla Rossey, Peter Roux, Jackie deRuyter, Kathleen Sidwell, Alan Soffer, Libie Soffer, Dan Wheldon and Curator Susan Danton.

Enjoy the vibrant slideshow and glimpse an evening well spent!
Exhibit here through August 17th!

Miller White Fine Arts 708 Route 134 South Dennis, MA 508 360 4302